can bearded dragons eat plums





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Deciding if bearded dragons can enjoy plums is a common concern for pet owners. The good news is, plums are safe for bearded dragons in moderation. This article will guide you through the benefits and risks of feeding your scaly friend this juicy fruit.

Stay tuned to learn how to treat your bearded dragon right with plums!

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Plums?

A bearded dragon eating a plum in its natural habitat, captured in vivid detail.

Yes, bearded dragons can have plums. This fruit is safe for them but should only be a small part of their diet. Think of plums as an occasional treat, not a staple food. Bearded dragons enjoy the freshness of plums over dried options like prunes.

Feed your bearded dragon plums in moderation—just a few bite-sized pieces once or twice a month is enough. Since plums are acidic and don’t have the best calcium to phosphorus ratio, they’re better off as treats than daily meals.

Always opt for fresh when adding fruit to your reptile’s nutrition plan.

Nutritional Value of Plums for Bearded Dragons

A bearded dragon surrounded by a variety of fruits and vegetables in a bustling atmosphere.

Understanding the nutritional value of plums for bearded dragons is crucial for keeping your scaly friend healthy and happy. Plums, primarily composed of water, offer a refreshing snack. Yet, their low calcium content means they shouldn’t be the centerpiece of your bearded dragon’s diet. Let’s break down the specifics:

NutrientValueImportance for Bearded Dragons
Water87.2%Helps with hydration but should not replace regular water intake.
Calories46 kcalProvides energy, but due to the low calorie content, it’s a light snack.
CalciumLowEssential for bone health but plums lack sufficient amounts.

Plums, with their high water content, can be a juicy treat that helps boost hydration during hot days. They’re not, however, a significant source of calories or vital nutrients like calcium, which is crucial for maintaining the health of a bearded dragon’s bones and preventing metabolic bone disease. Always remember, variety and balance are key in a bearded dragon’s diet.

Risks of Feeding Bearded Dragons Plums

Plums pack a punch with their acidic nature and high sugar content, both of which can be trouble for your bearded dragon. Eating too many can upset their little stomachs, leading to digestive issues that are no fun for anyone involved.

Imagine the discomfort they might feel—not something you’d want for your scaly friend.

On top of that, excessive plum consumption stands as a health risk. It’s not just about an upset stomach; there’s also the danger of feeding them too much fruit. This could lead not only to short-term problems but potentially more serious health concerns over time.

Balancing their diet is key—too much acidity and sugar from fruits like plums can derail that balance quickly.

How Often to Feed Your Bearded Dragon Plums

When it comes to feeding plums to your bearded dragon, moderation is key. One or two bite-sized pieces of plum once or twice a month can be offered as an occasional treat without harming your pet.

Remember, plums should only make up a small portion of your bearded dragon’s diet due to their acidic nature and poor calcium to phosphorus ratio.

Be conscious of the feeding schedule for your bearded dragon and ensure that fruits are integrated in moderation into their diet. Maintaining a balance between safe fruits and other essential nutrients is crucial for the overall health of your pet.

How to Safely Feed Plums to Bearded Dragons

To safely feed plums to bearded dragons:

  1. Choose ripe, fresh plums over dried ones as they are more nutritious.
  2. Wash the plum thoroughly to remove any pesticides or residue.
  3. Remove the pit and cut the plum into small, bite – sized pieces.
  4. Offer the plum as an occasional treat, alongside a balanced diet of insects and leafy greens.
  5. Monitor your bearded dragon for any signs of digestive issues or discomfort after feeding them plums.
  6. Limit the quantity of plum given due to its acidic nature and poor calcium to phosphorus ratio.


In conclusion, while bearded dragons can eat plums, they should only be given occasionally. Plums are a good source of vitamins but have an inappropriate calcium to phosphorus ratio.

Moderation is key when feeding plums to your bearded dragon for their digestive health. Always remember to consult a vet and prioritize a balanced diet for your pet reptile.

To further explore the diet of bearded dragons, check out our article on whether bearded dragons can eat spiders.


1. Can bearded dragons eat plums?

Yes, bearded dragons can eat plums as an occasional treat, but the pit should always be removed to avoid any potential health issues.

2. Are plums a safe part of a bearded dragon’s diet?

While plums can be included in a varied diet for bearded dragons, they should not make up a significant portion of their regular food intake due to their high sugar content.

3. How should I prepare plums for my bearded dragon?

Before offering plums to your beardie, ensure they are ripe and thoroughly washed. Remove the pit and cut the fruit into small, bite-sized pieces for easy consumption.

4. What are the potential risks of feeding plums to my bearded dragon?

Feeding too many plums to your pet may lead to digestive issues or diarrhea due to their sugar content. Moderation is key when offering this fruit.

5. How often can I give plums to my bearded dragon?

It is best to offer small amounts of plum as an occasional treat, no more than once or twice a month, alongside a balanced diet consisting primarily of leafy greens and insects.

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